Watch the action live on our big screen!
Relax and enjoy premium betting facilities and live coverage in our new TAB and Sports Bar. Open daily until close, you can have access to all the international sports and racing events, no matter what the time of day, using our staffed terminals or EBTs. You can also enjoy the massive sports screen in the Lounge measuring 4.5 metres x 2.5 meters that will be showing all the Live Sports, racing, AFL, NRL & Soccer premier leagues action.
Why not join in our Punters Club held every Saturday!
Live Sports
- English Premier league
- AFL finals
- Cricket
- Tennis
- Formula One
The Chase Hotel has both a self-serve keno option as well as the traditional staffed terminal available for you to play Keno on. Our friendly staff are happy to answer any questions you might have about all Keno products. Gamble Responsibly.